Welcome to OverBoard London

A meetup group for charming geeks who are interested in games, films, comics and other geek culture.

Massive Wednesday Monthlies

Our highly OverSubscribed monthly meetup in King's Cross. Great chance to meet everybody over a board game and a drink. First Wednesday of every month.

Chilled Out Saturday Sessions

Our weekly Saturday meets in King's Cross. Come meet the community and play board games in a less crowded setting.

OverBoard Outdoors

The best way to spend a sunny day: sitting one of London's beautiful parks, playing games and meeting new people.

Movie Meetups

Was it OverRated? Catch one of our many movie meets and discuss the film with fellow geeks afterwards.


Make the most of all the culture the city has to offer by coming along to one of our exhibition trips! Check the schedule for what's on.

Parties and Special Events

From Halloween, to Christmas, to Pride Parades - we love any excuse to dress up and throw a party. Cosplay not mandatory but highly encouraged.

Upcoming Events

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Team Members


Current Chairperson


Treasurer & Saturday team


Saturday team


Wednesday co-ordinator


Liaison Manager


Social Media


Website Lackey